July 12, 2006 |
I had the joy of photographing Linsy & Tom’s wedding, which was no small affair! Close to 400 people came to celebrate the union of the two.

It was an emotionally charged event. From the open & loving household of the Puthiyamadam family to the caring & loving family of the Kochupaul’s.
Their families did not stop with relatives. As was stated over & over again they have an extended family of friends that truly defines the meaning of friendship.

To Tom & Linsy, may you always have the warmth of family, the support of your friends and each other.

July 5, 2006 |

Just recently we’ve been added to the vendor list at Round Hill House run by F.E.A.S.T. caterers. Let me tell you a little about them…
F.E.A.S.T., as the name implies, are all about cuisine… With Patrick, the French chef in residence, that would hardly seem a surprise. Are the best chefs all French? After sampling the culinary delights served up from Round Hill’s efficiently run kitchen, it would seem so. 
Round Hill is a great venue. Its exterior is a throwback to past times, with tall Grecian-style columns, wide verandas, and tended gardens that evoke a bygone era.
The atmosphere is one of stately charm as guests mingle in the various period rooms of a grand house, sipping cocktails and savoring hors d’oeuvres.

The Round Hill House is just one of two venues that F.E.A.S.T. caterers operate, the other being Glenmere Mansion, also in the Hudson Valley area.
Call Peter, a gracious host, whose attention to detail, and accomodating spirit, will make you feel quite at home. http://www.feastcaterers.com/

July 2, 2006 |
Jonathan & Monica met five or so years ago on a blind date, yesterday they were married on the same grounds where they met – West Point at the United States Military Academy.
It was wonderful hearing the story, seeing them laugh about it, being invited into the fold.
I was lost in a sea of uniforms, beautiful bridesmaids and proud parents. The love and happiness of the day only made my job easier. 
Brave men in uniforms, and even braver women that stand by their man as they go off to where ever it is they are sent, to do what it is that they are told to do.
Jonathan is one of those brave men, and Monica is truly one of those brave women.
I love shooting at West Point. There is always this feeling I get when I am there…duty, honor, country. Makes one think. Thank you Jonathan, Mark, Mike, Matt, Justin, and the rest who I have not named for doing what you love, thank you.
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