September 25, 2013 |

A recent baby shoot with a few family snaps at the end. Contact the studio for our baby packages, or maternity shoots if you’re expecting.
NYC baby photography
NYC maternity photographer
August 26, 2008 |
September 19, 2007 |

Welcome Lucas!! Lucas is the son of Joe & Stephanie, a bride & groom of ours from 2006! Stephanie stopped by to share her bundle of joy and what a sweet baby he is!


Oh baby!!! Quinn’s arrived!!!! And don’t forget about her big brother!

July 6, 2007 |
Today we met Logan for his first photo session!
Although Logan slept happily through most of it he managed to open his eyes & smile for the camera.
Best wishes to the new family & hopefully Logan sleeps as well as he did during the session!

June 10, 2007 |
We had a blast in the studio today! It is a rare day that I get three little girls in one family!! And they were the cutest.
I enjoyed sitting & chatting with them as much as I enjoyed photographing them.
They were very willing subjects, as long as they got to make their funny faces when they were done.

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