June 30, 2006  |  Fun

Went to see the Lion King on at the Minskoff Theatre. Well I didn’t start off going to see the Lion King I was actually headed to see The History Boys with my English mates, who by the way had to threaten my life to actually make me commit to closing up shop for the day to go to the theatre, but unfortunately my babysitter bailed on me.

But no fear! I had a backup plan! I would drive to Queens and drop my daughter off with my Mom! YAY!!!

The only part of that plan that didn’t work was the traffic. I couldn’t get out of Manhattan into Queens. After trying for two hours I finally pulled the car over to use my cell phone when I realized I was sitting directly under this huge sign for the Lion King.

I jumped out, got tickets and the night was saved, sort of. I was a bit disappointed that I wouldn’t be seeing the History Boys and not exactly thrilled to see the Lion King, but I had promised and it was so much better than sitting in traffic on the LIE.

We sat dead center in the eighth row from the stage, I think I was more excited than my daughter! I was in awe when the curtain went up. So colorful. The air seemed filled with joy & happiness. I was hooked.

It was nothing short of spectacular. At first I wasn’t too sure whose jaw was dropped further – hers or mine!

We saw Kissy Simmons as Nala and Josh Tower as Simba. WOW! What chemistry! They were a joy to watch.

Throughout the show, I felt that rush of excitement you feel when you are eight and going to the circus for the first time. I think a lot had to do with the fact that I was sitting next to my very favorite person in the whole world.

If you get the chance go see The Lion King it truly will bring back the kid in you.

Just a note, the images are not mine. They do not allow photography in the theatre and I respect that.

She sang the whole way home, and I smiled, proudly at every note whether it was in or out of tune.

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happy father’s day

June 19, 2006  |  Fun

It has been a busy weekend. Father’s day has come and gone , school is coming to an end and summer is under way! I can remember barbequing with my family and begging them to open the pool on Father’s day, with my Dad laughing instead of a firm yes or no.

I don’t think he ever truly said no. He smiled a lot. Laughed a bit. And always let you know that he was there, never too far away. He was always proud, even at the littlest things. I would spend hours watching him paint or build something.

I will never forget the day he built me a dollhouse. I think he was tired of barbie taking out the living room. I would get lost in that house for hours, my mom would actually have to come looking for me.

He hummed when he worked, when he was happy. He would dance in the kitchen with my Mom, she would laugh like a school girl. He has filled my life with wonderful warm memories and has shared his knowledge with me. I am blessed and very lucky.

So, to all of you fathers out there, whether you are brand new or an old hand at it, may every day be an adventure and may your child put a smile on your face each day, even if you are the one who has to clean up the mess.

For my Dad, I hope you are smiling, happy father’s day!

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"It’s my party…"

May 14, 2006  |  Fun

I threw a party yesterday. Actually it was more like a mini wedding. Did I go overboard? Well, yes! What started out as a small get together for a little girl turned into a tented event with a band, 6 cases of Chianti, tons of Italian bread and lots of laughs.

We had a great band, Doug Ferony, , who was amazing,
a stage that could have doubled for the deck of the Titanic as it was sinking, a magician with two doves, family, friends and even a dog or two.

As the forecast for rain went from possible chance of showers to 90% chance of downpours, the tent got bigger.

The energy that went into the setup – in the rain – was incredible. I think I didn’t sleep for 3 days! I cannot thank everyone enough for the time & energy they gave me, I am deeply grateful – you know who you all are.

I must admit, that it was enjoyable. She smiled through out the day, and FINALLY around 10pm admitted she was exhausted and needed her feet rubbed. The lack of sleep was something that I don’t miss, but for her I would do it all again.

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chocolate, eggs & lamb, oh my!!

April 16, 2006  |  Fun

I really don’t eat eggs and unfortunately I can’t eat chocolate, but I really don’t like lamb.

I remember as a kid every Easter my Mom would serve a leg of lamb. I always question any kind of meat you need to put mint jelly on to eat and what is mint jelly anyway?? I mean seriously, jelly is for toast and crackers or cookies and plain bread with peanut butter or cashew butter for those who are allergic to peanuts. But mint jelly??

I never will understand it, but where was I? Oh! Lamb. It was years later, I mean many years later when I was preparing Easter Sunday dinner for my family when my Mom finally found out the truth.
“Mom, what do you think we should serve for dinner Sunday?”
“Make a leg of lamb, everyone loves leg of lamb.”

Now, I just need to let you in on a little secret, at this point we hadn’t had lamb for about oh, 10, possibly 12 years.

“Mom, the only one who loves leg of lamb is the lamb who used it to walk.”
“Catherine, you love lamb.”
“No Mom, I don’t. Never did. Can’t eat meat you need to add jelly to. Why mint anyway? How about orange marmalade or even blueberry?”
“Mint is nice, it just goes with lamb.”
“Mom, mints are nice and jelly doesn’t go with lamb.”

We colored eggs and made Easter baskets, never did believe in that whole Easter bunny thing. I could never understand why Santa could give away presents but the Easter bunny only gave away eggs.

I think it may have been my introduction to lamb that destroyed it for me – Catherine this is Ms. Lamb and Mr. Mint Jelly.

I do cook lamb ribs, at least I think they are ribs, well they are small and I coat them with a Moroccan rub that smells completely divine, but I still won’t eat them.

It was, as always a peaceful holiday. Mass with the Pope topped off by dinner with the family. At this time every year a take a moment to reflect on what has passed, and will never be again. What is on the horizon and what I can do to make this world a better place.

By the way, we didn’t have lamb.

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hmmm, what color should it be??

April 15, 2006  |  Fun

I painted the bathroom today. I am so proud of myself, this is not something that I would usually do. This is a big project for me, even though the room is 6’x4′.

I went to the paint store last Wednesday. I went alone. I needed time to discover that right color. I stood there for an hour staring and comparing. Holding up the little cards to that special light they provide which really isn’t special at all.

Yes, I took a full hour before I made my decision. The clerk asked twice if he could help me, I just smiled and thanked him knowing this was something I had to do best offshore merchant account myself.

I took my choice to the counter and voila! White! Not only white but the same exact white that has been on the wall for the last 7 years. I’m good.

Now, what color should I paint the bedroom??

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Crazy Whybanannas

April 13, 2006  |  Fun

I have two. One big, one little. When you own a whybananna you have to lock your garbage, hide the mail and keep the bathroom door shut at all times unless you want an endless trail of toilet paper coming off of the roll and wrapped around every piece of furniture in the house. I am still amazed how they pull it off the roll without ripping it.

What is a Whybananna you ask? Well it is a dog. To be exact, it is a Weimaraner. The name ‘whybananna’ evolved over a long distance phone call with a slightly inebriated English man and a very bad New York accent.

Sophia Rufus, my almost 4 year old, is, I am convinced, part human. There are days when she primps and preps to go out in front of the mirror longer than I do! And sometimes it actually shows.

Georgia Pink, the newest addition, is 8 months old and so very different from the regal Sophia. George, as we lovingly call her, is a tomboy.

They get along like siblings, ripping each other apart when time calls for it but fiercely protective should the neighbor’s cat come calling. An occasional growl, a nip in the rear to show who is boss, no I am not the one doing the nipping, is all part of the day.

Together they are trouble. They have successfully shredded the covers off of 6 different dog beds, 2 pillows and one plush Snoopy doll, may it rest in peace.

But they are a joy and lately they are the only ones who will sit still for me when I want to take a few test shots since everyone else in the house is pretty much pictured out.

Sophia reminds me of royalty. She sits perfectly, feet together, back straight, head held high in the air. She sits and waits. Waits for a very long time if necessary except if someone rings the bell, then all bets are off.

George on the other hand is lanky and unpolished. When George sits it normally involves a bit of a sit, then the feet slide out in front of her and before you know it she is crawling on her belly to get just that much closer. George is a sneak. As much of a sneak as George is, Sophia is no angel. But I love them just as they are.

The other day my joys stole my new Motorola Walk about, complete with the headset. I found the walk about lying on the floor, unscathed and couldn’t image how it had gotten there until I found the headset or should I say remains of the headset.

It took me well over an hour to figure out what it had been. I knew it was them though, every time I walked past either of them one of their heads would lower, their eyes would turn upward and I swear if they could whistle they would have been doing that too.

Here in my hand was a short wire with a tiny portion of a connector left. I checked every TV cable, computer cord, rechargers (and there are many of them), mobile phone and telephone cord before realizing what it was that I was holding.

George was the first to congratulate me. She came over, tail wagging, as I picked up the walkabout.

After a stern lecture and a look from George as if to say, “hey, it wasn’t my idea!” as Sophia confirmed this by hiding behind the chair, I realized I have way too many wires in my life and that the girls were just attempting to point this out to me.

Thanks ladies, but if either of you touch my MP3 player you’re an orphan!

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What’s on TV? Anyone??

April 11, 2006  |  Fun

Recently my eight year old started talking like some morphed cartoon character, you know the ones with the big heads and the chic outfits that can fly. I have always been a “witch” when it came to what she was viewing and there actually was a time when I would preveiw all of the shows she was going to watch but somewhere I slipped up. When she announced after her eighth birthday that she was ready to drive the car, I decided to shut the TV. Not just for the day but possibly for good. I figured a week would be a good test.

We never really watch much TV and last Monday it seemed like a great idea! And by the following Wednesday it was. Then came Sunday.

Sunday was one of those day, for everyone. I knew it wasn’t going to start well when I had a very early call and I couldn’t find a thing to wear. You know when you walk into your closet and half of what you own ends up on the floor because you either a) haven’t kept your new year’s resolution to get to the gym three times a week or b) the weather is getting warmer and that extra large fisherman’s sweater will make it feel like mid day in the desert. So needless to say I just put one more thing on my very long ‘to-do’ list. By Sunday evening I thought the house was going to cave in, messy closet and all.

Later that evening the conversation went something like this:
“But, but it is Sunday!”
A tissue is passed, “Here, wipe your tears.”
Almost sobbing, “I just don’t understand! Pleeeeeeease! I just need an hour. An hour won’t hurt!”
“No. A deal is a deal.”
“Oh noooooooooooo!!!” More tears and another tissue is passed.
“It will be good for you, it has been good for all of us.”
And then, more sobbing, “Oh, but it’s Sunday and Sunday is a day of rest. And, and I can rest while I watch TV. Oh pleeeeease.”
A hug is exchanged, “There, there, no more

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tears. We can play a game or why not just go to bed early, you sound tired.”
More tears, “I don’t WANT to go to bed. I WANT to watch TV.”
She pulls another tissue out of the box hands it to me and say, “But Mom, it was your idea. No more crying, ok?”

She was right, as small as she is she had me. I didn’t watch TV that night, but I didn’t clean my closet either.

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